

Filing A Birth-Related Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

It’s not uncommon for birth-related mistakes to happen. Such errors could occur be during labor or delivery. Any healthcare provider assisting an expectant mother to deliver should be able to make sound decisions. Unfortunately, mistakes do happen that jeopardize the life of the baby and its mother. Some of these errors can be prevented.  And … Read more →

President Biden Makes A Play to Revise Long-Term Care Costs

A $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan proposed by President Biden includes $400 billion to accelerate a shift from institutional care to home and community services through the federal-state Medicaid program. The size of the financial commitment — about 17% of the package — leaves no doubt that Biden intends to put his mark on long-term care. … Read more →

Biden Administration Reviewing Further Declassification of Documents discussing Contacts with UFOs

For decades ufologists (individuals who study UFOs) have issued Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to  the government to release information regarding extraterrestrial contacts involving US pilots and astronauts. Over the years, previous US Administrations declassified piecemeal information about UFO sightings. These releases would come in the form of memos which in many cases were … Read more →

Jeffrey Downey Presents COVID-19 Seminar to Attorneys

On June 2, 2020, Virginia attorney Jeffrey J. Downey presented one of the first legal seminars addressing potential legal liability for patients who contract Covid-19 while at a nursing homes or assisted living facilities.   The presentation was sponsored by the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association. “This was one of my first Zoom meetings” explained Downey, “but … Read more →

Trump Administration Vows to Protect Elders in Nursing Homes from the Coronavirus Despite Pursuing Policies That Put our Elders at Risk

On March 9, 2020, the Trump administration explained how the federal government would be responding to protect airlines, the cruise industry and corporations with potential payroll tax cuts.  They also “raised the standards for every nursing home in America with regard to infectious disease” and are “deploying 8,000 inspectors in every state” to “focus exclusively … Read more →

Elder Care advocate passes – Voices for Quality Care

We are saddened to report the passing of lovely person and wonderful elder law advocate, Clare Whitbeck, who passed away on January 23, 2016, at the age of 75. Clare was a tireless advocate for victims of elder abuse and neglect, working for the Maryland Advocacy Group, Voices for Quality Care.  “Clare helped countless people … Read more →